Love not like

Spreading the CCD love

Spreading the CCD love

In this article we would like to discuss one of the very mechanics of our crossdressing community platform that generates friendship and warmth that every ClubCrossDressing member is entitled to feel.

So important is this feature that we have changed it recently to better represent what it truly is - yes you guessed it, "likes". Long gone is the boring and common "thumbs up". That gesture that people "just do". It is now beautiful loving hearts, yes LOVING not "like".

When you see a blue heart on someones profile, or comment/post you like/love, turn it pink, click it!

By doing so you create feelings of enormous love and respect. Do it, it works both ways too, it also says a lot about you. It says you are warm, loving and appreciative of the item you have just "loved" and that you are a person open to friendship.

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Please Note: The above article is an opinion and we assume no responsibility or liability for any inaccuracies or omissions.

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