In this page you will find do's and don'ts, tip and tricks on how to use our service to its best potential.

Do NOT upload nudity

By uploading nudity, you are subjecting others (including our staff) to view indecent images without their consent. If you are unsure, please read our Image Standards.

Do Not post contact info
Having contact info on your profile can make you very unpopular and is technically stealing by trying to obtain a service for free. If you are unsure, please read our Content Standards.

Keep it Clean
Keep your profile clean. There will be plenty of time to chat a saucy chat in private with an other consenting. If you are unsure, please read our Content Standards.

Get a VIP Membership
Without a VIP Membership you are instantly limited in your communications. By getting a VIP Membership you can instantly send unlimited messages to other members. But if you have not yet decided to become a VIP Member, as a Standard Member you can still send unlimited virtual gifts for free. Each time you message someone or send a virtual gift, the respective member will receive an email notification*.

Arrange to meet in the Chatroom
If you have a VIP Membership, you can message others via instant messenger and rendezvous at a particular time in one of the CCD Chatrooms or create your own chatroom easily.

Start Liking Other's Posts, photos, profiles.
Each time you hit the like button, the respective user gets an email* informing them of your like. This is an ideal way to get attention yourself by doing something nice. So next time you like content, don't hesitate and hit that like button.

Upload a profile photo
When you upload a profile photo, you naturally increase the chances of members interacting with you. So consider uploading one but please adhere to our Image Standards.

Change Your Profile Wording
The way your profile is written can reflect how serious you are about meeting someone. Write something informative and interesting. Stay away from vulgar words and present yourself as someone respectful. So if you have a "one liner" profile, we suggest you alter it and make it interesting and about you but please adhere to our Content Standards.

Write Blogs
Writing good quality blogs gets you there in the faces of users as we notify members of new blogs each time they are written. But please adhere to our Content Standards and keep it clean.

Join Groups
Joining or creating a group is an idea way of meeting friends interested in the group topic you have joined.

* The receipt of email notifications are dependant on the recipient users notification settings.