I'm love in crossdressing. I don't know how to start and in my country, there have very little crossdressing like me. I know very little E words, so can u help me very much ?
I have been attracted to female attire ever since I can remember. For years I was a closeted CD. I started to go out dressed in mixed male/female attire but found that was not enough. Once I started dressing fully in female attire I knew I could never go back. For years I was troubled with the CD issue, feeling it might somehow be wrong or that there was something wrong with me. Through forums I came to realize that being a CD was natural and about 5% of the male population could fit into this situation. It is a means of expressing a feminine aspect. I am no longer troubled about being a CD.
I have always hated being in drab with a passion. I find going out en femme to be liberating and comfortable. I am calmest when I am en femme and feel this is the real me.
for the past 5 years or so I have been completely taken away by Lolita fashion, which is now by far my favorite.
I consider myself a hard core Cd as this is an integral part of my personality.
I'm a transvetite who been (partially) dressing in private since I was young. However I recently had my first public appearance (fully dressed/shaved) at a tranny bar in Osaka. (I am currently working in Japan). I am constantly turned on by the femin